

Veined Squid

Veined Squid
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Veined Squid
Reference : 2021.04.13
Species: Loligo forbesii
Weight (verified, non official): 2,310kg
Diver: Lidija Vukic
Location: Flekkefejord
Country: Norway
Source: Lidija Vukic, with ESRA Application

I went late to dive, around 17.00h, after work. It was no fish and water was cold, 7
C degrees. I followed the coast and after 200m i was cold and decided one more
dive and to go back. I went down on 5m and saw something like plastic bags
floating but when i came closer i regognized that i see squids. They were
swimmimg away from me slowly. I decided to go back and prepare for better dive.
So i am going down and see them again, different sizes, i am choosing the one
which is close and looks the bigest, falling diagonal straight to her. When i came
close enough i shooted, in the middle. I didn't want to grab her, so i swamm back
pilling her until i reached the coast, just 10m. I get up and pulled her out on the
stone, killed with a knife and hang on my signal float. I tried one more dive, they
was there but deeper and going away. I was too cold and tired to continue so i
decided to go out.
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