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Reference : 7.0

7.1. Application form

7.1.1. The spearfisher must submit a completed ESRA application form, along with all required documentation, within six months after capture.

7.1.2. Divers must record the date, exact location, common name, and scientific name of their catch on an official application. The application form must be as detailed as possible.

7.1.3. The application must be prepared in English, French, Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese.

7.1.4 The form can be filled out, scanned, and sent by email. Witness accounts and reports of the capture, as well as any other information relating to the capture, measuring, or weighing, can be delivered separately from the application form and must bear the witness signature.

7.1.5. If the diver is unable to provide any of the information requested on the application form, the applicant must explain why this information is not provided. An incomplete application will be accepted only if the missing information is not the responsibility of the bidder; its acceptance shall be subject to the decision of the ESRA.

7.1.6 All the data of the application file is confidential, with the exception of the description of the capture. Should the hunter prefer to maintain confidentiality of one or several pieces of information within the capture description, he or she must expressly indicate this wish.

7.1.7 ESRA reserves the right to confirm all information in the application file, including the reports of witnesses.

7.1.8. Deliberate falsification of an application will disqualify the record and any further applications by the applicant; any existing records will be nullified. Anyone who knowingly collaborates, assists, or furthers fraudulent applications will be disqualified. If an ESRA Member or representative perpetuates this act, they will be immediately removed from their position at ESRA Board and will not be eligible for future consideration as Member or representative.

7.1.9. The submission of application will be free.

7.1.10. If desired by the applicant, ESRA may issue a certificate of record. The price of the certificate will be as indicated at ESRA website.

7.2. Photographs

Photographs must be submitted with the application and provide sufficient detail for unequivocal species determination. All submitted photographs will become the property of the ESRA, who may publish the photos as deemed appropriate. The pictures must be high enough resolution to be able to see the weight and measurements clearly and to be able to make a positive fish identification. If there is the slightest doubt regarding the identification of the fish based upon the photographs and other data offered, the fish should be examined by an ichthyologist or qualified fishery biologist before record application submission. If no decision can be made from the photographs and the spearfisher can provide no further proof of the identification of the species, the record claim will not be considered.

7.2.1. Photographs showing the full length of the fish, the diver with the fish, the speargun(s) used to make the catch, and the scale used to weigh the fish must accompany each application. Video registration will be welcome.

7.2.2. In all cases, pictures of the fish should be taken in a hanging position and also lying on a flat surface. The fish should be broadside to the camera and no part of the fish should be obscured. The fins must be fully extended and not obscured by hands or equipment.

7.2.3. When photographing a fish lying on its side, the surface beneath the fish should be smooth and a ruler or marked tape placed beside the fish if possible.

7.2.4. Photographs from various angles are most helpful.

7.2.5. A photograph of the fish on the scale with the actual weight visible is required. Pictures or video must show the entire fish on the scale.

7.2.6. In-water photographs, while not required, are requested if available.

7.3. Description of the catch

ESRA’s acceptance of the application is, in part, dependent upon the completeness of the description of the hunt and capture. Applicants must include gun type, terminal gear, depth at which the fish was speared, names of other divers present, name of the dive boat, whether chum was used, water visibility, sea state, distance from shore, estimated bottom depth, current conditions, time of day, and associated fish (e.g., other members of a school, bait fish, etc.).

7.4. Witnesses of the catch

On all record claims, witnesses to the catch are highly desirable. Unwitnessed catches may be disallowed if questions arise regarding their authenticity. It is important that the witnesses can attest to the spearfisher's compliance with ESRA rules.
If the hunter can not provide direct witnesses of the capture, he or she must indicate the name of the other divers who were with him or her in the water, who witnessed his or her arrival in the land, or any other indirect testimony of capture.
Witnesses should indicate the conditions under which they witnessed the capture on the application form. If possible, witnesses of the various phases (capture, measuring, and weighing) should not be the same.

© European Spearfishing Records Association (Dec.2020)
Viñasub Pesca Submarina Tienda